Tips on getting twice as much work done!

Before we get to the topic, we need to make sure we are honest with ourselves. We need to truly look within our selves when tough questions are being asked of us. Promise me that you’ll answer the next few questions truthfully.

TOUGH Question #1:

How many of you get twice as much work done the day before a vacation?

You know exactly what I mean. You have a list of things to do, and there is nothing that is going to stop you from getting it done. You’ve organized and prioritized every task, phone call, final reports, and you know exactly how you are going to get all of this done. You won’t let John or Jane stop you at the water cooler to talk about the game this weekend, you won’t overhear what is going on in the next office over, you are going to be focused and persistent.

TOUGH question #2 …

Why can’t you do that every day of the year? 

You have proven that come hell or high water, you can get things done, be productive and be successful. What are you doing the rest of the year then? Have you once thought about how often you stop to talk to someone about something totally irrelevant? Or how many times you are interrupted throughout the day? You have control over both of these. In the case of you interrupting others, stop it and wait for an appropriate time (lunch or after work). If you are the one being interrupted, then stop listening. You are guilty in both instances of wasting the companies time and your energy.

Just like most problems, the answer usually lies within. Your abilities to focus on your tasks that one day before vacation  might help you get 2x’s the amount of work done than normal. If that’s the case, your normal should be re-defined.

If you are having issues organizing and prioritizing, give us a call at Pinnacle Sales, we can help you get more out of your day.

About Kole Performance Group

"Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less" - John Maxwell ... Sales is influence, nothing more, nothing less - Mike Kole. Put those two together, and you get enlightenment and energy! We are an executive coaching firm, focusing on leadership principles. Certified from the John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar Corporations, we have the tools to help you develop both professionally and personally. Kole Performance Group 418 Main Street, Suite 6 Belleville, MI 48111 (734) 516-0221 View all posts by Kole Performance Group

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