Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Tips: Closing the Deal!

This week is my editorial on the decision that we need to make as American’s tomorrow. As my normal readers know, I avoid politics on a weekly basis and try to make this blog as constructive as I can and help people with some sound and free advice.

Although this blog is political, it does give us an opportunity to learn some things. The thing that I am most concerned about in Washington is the lack of leadership. It’s also something that we see floundering in our day-to-day businesses. Many CEO’s today do not take ownership of problems, continuing to point at the “mess they inherited”. Well, in most cases we don’t have any ability to change what CEO’s do, but in our great country, we are given that opportunity every 4 years. Tomorrow is not about an election, it’s about our right to put this country on the right track.

4-years ago this week, we were persuaded to vote for hope and change. This week we are being asked to vote for revenge.   This is what happens when you vote for soundbites over substance.  We need an experienced executive running this country, not a community organizer.

Tomorrow we can get back on the road to prosperity and promise.  Mitt Romney has proven himself as both a business and government chief executive. His ability to work with both sides of the aisle is what we need in this country. He will prove, like Reagan and Clinton, that a good leader brings people together, and doesn’t tear them apart.

Politics by definition is the art of compromise. If you look at your choice tomorrow, you’ll see one gifted in that art, and the other just gifted in rhetoric. One that has been as success in every aspect of his life, the other one blaming others for his lack of ability to effect change.

This election is not about liberalism vs. conservatism, it’s about getting the job done. And frankly speaking, the person residing in that office today, needs to be replaced. It is time to take ownership of the problems, and quit finger pointing.

Romney / Ryan 2012 … Time for “real change” to give us “real hope”

Tip: What the Debates Have Taught Us!

The recent Presidential debate has taught us one thing regardless of where you fit in the political spectrum. I heard that the final poll from CNN (not necessarily a conservative outlet) had Romney as the clear winner 72% over Obama 20%. Like I said, you have had to be blind, literally and figuratively, to not agree with this poll.


I say blind for a reason. This debate taught us that body language and being prepared are very key in any type of presentation.

The President was clearly not prepared for this debate, and one could turn the sound off the television to see who was winning. The picture above was the most damaging picture of all. It looked like the President was losing, regardless of what was being said. Just trying to get through this ‘thing’ so he could do something else.

Now, to put this into a sales perspective, how many times have you looked like the guy on the right? Have you sat through meetings with bad body language, only trying to endure the pain and get out of there?

In my book, PROFITS, I spend an entire section on being prepared. It’s our responsibility to take the lead in our debates with our customers, and not show up just to get to the next meeting.

This was a quick post, but something very clear and evident. If you think you’re having lapses of ‘Obamaism’s’, you may want to give us a call at Pinnacle Sales so we can get you prepared to debate like a pro!