Tag Archives: Consulting

Tip: Gaining Credibility

This week is going to be one of the shortest blogs I have posted. I run into sales people all the time, and they ask how to improve sales and long term relationship with their customer base. And the answer is simple:

“Say what you’ll do, then do what you say” 

You don’t have to promise the moon, use the most stimulating closing technique, or even provide the best price. You have to have credibility first, and from there things become a lot easier. I had a conversation with a client this morning, and she said this;

“Mike, you know why we call you? Because we know you will tell us the truth”  They call me, the order from me, they build their business plans around what I continue to deliver, or in some cases refuse to deliver. It really is that simple, if you are in a business that depends on long-term relationships, and contracts, then you need to start with a foundation. That foundation is your credibility.

The higher your credibility, the higher your sales will be. If you are having trouble with this, give us a call at Pinnacle Sales. We can put you on the right path and develop the tools that will help!