Tag Archives: Marketing and Advertising

Tips: Finding the Best Sales Tools


As a professional sales person, we are always looking for ways to get better at our profession. There are numerous tools available for sales people out there. From Smartphones, Software, Hardware, Aps and whatever else, there are a plethora of tools available.

What most people fail to do, is to look within themselves for the tools that we inherently have, and fine tune them. Here is a quick list that I like. I found this blog looking for salesmanship tips, so here you are!

1. Patience

If you’re patient, you let customers decide at their own speed.  You realize that nobody ever got a plant to grow faster by pulling at the leaves of a seedling. If you lack patience, you’ll be frustrated whenever things take longer than you’d like. Customers will sense your frustration and hesitate to buy.

2. Commitment

If you’re truly committed to both your customer’s success and your own success, you’ll do whatever it takes (within legal and ethical bounds) to get the job done. You’ll banish all thoughts of ever giving up. If you lack commitment, you’ll consistently fail to follow through–and will often drop the ball at the worst possible moment.

3. Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is contagious: If you’re enthusiastic about yourself, your firm and your product, your customers will “pick up” your enthusiasm and believe in your ability to improve their lives.  If you lack enthusiasm, however, you’ll always find yourself surrounded by naysayers and endless “objections.”


4. Curiosity

Curiosity is essential to growth–and if you’re growing as an individual and a professional, you’ll spend time each day learning something new to better serve your customers. You’ll read books, listen to audio training, take courses, and network with peers. If you’re not growing, your ideas will become stale; your career will languish and your ability to compete will slowly drain away.

5. Courage

If you’ve got courage, you take the necessary risks to expand yourself and your business into new areas–even when you’re facing enormous odds. You’ll see setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures.  But if you lack courage, you’ll freeze up when things get weird, turning small failures into big ones.

6. Integrity

If you’ve got integrity, there’s no disconnect between your stated purpose and your real motivations. Because there’s no hidden agenda, customers sense the honesty and feel comfortable working with you. If you lack integrity, however, customers will have a nagging feeling that something is “not quite right”–and tend to balk rather than buy.

7. Flexibility

Life is all about change; nothing stays the same. If you’ve got flexibility, you can observe what’s working and what’s not and change your approach to match changing circumstances. If you lack flexibility, you’ll pursue brittle strategies and tactics long after they’ve ceased to work.

I will give credit where credit is due … this blog was written by;  http://albesurenigeriablog.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/the-sales-man-tools/

Note that: Reading free blogs is yet another tool for us to be successful.

If you are looking for ways to be more professional in your sales efforts, look beyond the tangible software and hardware programs out there. Take a look at coaching, and then take a look at Pinnacle Sales, LLC.


Pinnacle Sales uses a coaching technique that actually focuses on using the skills and tools that everyone has, such as these above and the ones written about in PROFITS, Your Seven Letters to Success.

If you are looking for an edge, then call us at:

Pinnacle Sales, LLC

+1 (734) 516-0221


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Tip: Gaining Credibility

This week is going to be one of the shortest blogs I have posted. I run into sales people all the time, and they ask how to improve sales and long term relationship with their customer base. And the answer is simple:

“Say what you’ll do, then do what you say” 

You don’t have to promise the moon, use the most stimulating closing technique, or even provide the best price. You have to have credibility first, and from there things become a lot easier. I had a conversation with a client this morning, and she said this;

“Mike, you know why we call you? Because we know you will tell us the truth”  They call me, the order from me, they build their business plans around what I continue to deliver, or in some cases refuse to deliver. It really is that simple, if you are in a business that depends on long-term relationships, and contracts, then you need to start with a foundation. That foundation is your credibility.

The higher your credibility, the higher your sales will be. If you are having trouble with this, give us a call at Pinnacle Sales. We can put you on the right path and develop the tools that will help!