Tag Archives: Productivity

Tip: Best Way to be Productive


You’ve all read articles on how to focus, what to do, and it always includes writing out your goals, and to-do lists. My recommendation is also to write out ‘what not to do’ as well as you want to accomplish.

How many times have you gotten into a project, and the phone rings with something that sidetracks you for hours?  We have certain customers that call and get us chasing our tails, or a boss that asks us for mundane reports that may mean nothing to us, but are supposedly the most important thing in the world to them.

So, what do you do to stay focus and on task? In the past, I used to say if it isn’t on this list, I won’t do it. That isn’t enough anymore. What I suggest, is that you write down the specific items that you can’t do every day. You look at your schedule and think about it, and be specific:

  • Do not pick up the phone between 10-11am
  • Do not spend time with low margin prospects, especially ABC, Acme and …
  • Do not check emails everytime you hear the notification signal
  • Do not agree to impromptu meetings with no specific agenda or goal
  • Do not pick up the phone from unknown phone numbers at all

There are so many distractions in our daily lives that prohibit us from being productive. Add up the amount of time not spent on hi priority items, and it will fill weeks in your calendar. Remember, there is always a choice, either do this or that … everytime you are faced with that choice you can go to these lists.

With the reductions in staff, and increase in workload, we still have to remember that it is okay to “NOT” do something on purpose, as long as what you are doing is of greater priority.

Time management for a sales person is a key element to being successful. If you’re having trouble, give us a call at Pinnacle Sales.


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